SEO 102: Backlinks

2 min readAug 4, 2022

Backlinking is an important factor in Google’s ranking algorithm. So of course, any good content marketer should look into that too.

SEO backlinks links building

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are links from one website to a page on another website.
→ Consider them as “votes” that increase the reputation of the website. The more a page has a high number of backlinks, the more likely it is to reach high organic ranking on the search engine.

The search engine then considers that if one of our page is often used on another website, if the other websites add a link to our page in their article, then it means that our content is valuable, qualitative, credible, relevant, useful, well written, etc.

Moreover, if the same website always links back to you, these links will have diminishing returns. They don’t weigh as much if they always come from the same website. The key is to have more links from different website than a large amount a link coming from the exact same website every time.

Did you know?

Backlinking is quite old (1970s): originally, it was called as “PageRank” and it formed the very basis of the foundation of Google’s original algorithm.

Enjoy this info to brag during a nerdy dinner.

Domain authority

Of course, in backlinking, quality matters. So even if it’s good to receive a backlink from a random blogger, it’s way better to get one from an entity, a brand, a well-known company or personality in the relevant field and industry.

Practical guide — Quick wins for your Backlinking Strategy

  • Build Linkable Assets = blog posts, articles, videos, materials that we know people will want to read/have/watch → Checklist, guide, insightful articles are often the best linkable assets because they have immediate value to the reader.
  • Find Link Roundups: these are articles that sum up the sources that discuss a specific topic.
  • Link reclamation: are there websites that actually mentions the brand, the company, etc. but didn’t put a link to it? Just ask for it.
  • Guest Posting: we’ll come back to this strategy later.

SUM UP: Which links should you choose ?

  • Websites with some authority
  • Links that include the target words (keyword-rich anchor text)
  • Websites that are relevant to our industry, what we do, what we sell, who we are

Any other questions? You can find out so much more about SEO on Ahrefs, SEMRush or just follow some great SEO marketers on LinkedIn.




Works in Marketing, reads in various languages, loves theatre & literature and advocates for feminism, CSR, Social Impact and Environmental topics.